3 Tips Before Heading to Open For Inspections

3 Tips Before Heading to Open For Inspections

We’ve been there before. It’s Saturday morning, you’re at an open for inspection eyeing off every other person looking at the property you’re quickly falling in love with.

The real estate agent tells you that there is ‘plenty of interest in this one’ and that they ‘have a couple of people interested but no one has signed a contract yet’. Are you prepared to make an offer on the spot?

How do you prepare yourself before heading to an open for inspection? Your Property Australia shows you how.

Print out your YPA Inspection Form

This is the biggest single financial investment of your life, so you best be getting serious about it.

Start off by downloading the Your Property Australia Inspection Form. Chances are you will be looking at 5-6 properties on a weekend. This will allow you to write down key information about your favourite properties to review at the end of the day.

The YPA Inspection Form is an interactive PDF meaning you can insert information before you go (if you are super organised) or fill it in when you arrive. At the end of the day you will have a list of the properties you’ve visited, what you liked and what you didn’t.

Download here.

Broken toilet. Let’s get a plumber. Busted air conditioner. Let’s get it fixed before settlement. You can then hand this list across to your YPA lawyer who can use it to understand your purchase and any special conditions that might need to be drafted.

Get on the phone to Your Property Australia. Now.

If you think that this property is too good to be true then call Your Property Australia straight away. A Contract Review can usually be completed within a handful of hours, allowing you to have the confidence to put in an offer before the weekend is finished.

Make sure you have your finance sorted BEFORE you sign a Contract of Sale

‘Subject to Finance’ is the Shania Twain of Contracts of Sale. As our favourite country singer used to say ‘that don’t impress me much’. No one is getting excited about a conditional offer. Real estate agents aren’t getting paid their commission to bring vendors conditional offers. They want to seal the deal. Now.

Make sure you have your finance sorted BEFORE you sign a Contract of Sale so that you can make an offer with confidence and without the purchase being ‘subject to finance’.

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